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Sport Science Hub


A suite of simple modules to make you your own sport scientist


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Line Wave BKG v2

Core Package


Wearables Dashboard

Track athlete exertion and recovery using wearable devices that your athletes already have (Apple watch, Garmin watch, WHOOP band, etc.).

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Wearables Dashboard Elements
Load Monitoring Chartv2

Load Monitoring Dashboard

View questionnaire data alongside volume load  to help you identify trends and make informed decisions about your athletes. This is an add-on to your current TeamBuildr subscription.

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Sport Coach Dashboard

Strength Coaches can save time and spreadsheets by delivering insights and data right into the hands of their team coaches.  Empower your coaching staff with the information they need to make data-driven decisions and optimize athlete performance effortlessly.

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Sport Coach Dashboard Box


Force Plate Dashboard

This dashboard integrates with Hawkin Dynamics force plates and Vald force decks to bring your countermovement jump metrics to life within TeamBuildr.

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Force Plate Dashboard

Build Your Own Questionnaires

You have the ability to administer custom-built health and wellness questionnaires that athletes can answer on their smartphone or on the Weight Room View app.


Powered by Mobile

Empower your athletes with our free iOS and Android app which allows athletes to submit responses first thing in the morning, before the workout or after the workout. Athlete questionnaire data is instantly sent to the coach dashboard and color-coded reports.

Questionnaire with Wearables Cluster v2
Orange Shape Design

“TeamBuildr is an excellent resource for designing and delivering S&C programs for all my athletic teams. It saves me time and keeps me organized by delivering quality reports and gives me the extra time to spend with the kids. I am blessed to be a part of the best S&C platform available.”

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