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TeamBuildr vs. TrainHeroic

TeamBuildr at training facility

TrainHeroic Alternative: Benefits of Using TeamBuildr


TrainHeroic is a web-based software that is similar to TeamBuildr. They provide iOS and Android mobile apps, along with a tablet app for the weight room. Other similar features includes max tracking, leaderboards, Team Feed and the provision of training templates.

  • TrainHeroic is common in CrossFit; TeamBuildr is focused on strength and conditioning for teams, gyms and facilities.

TrainHeroic's background is primarily in CrossFit gyms and similar facilities as evidenced by their WOD-style terminology. TeamBuildr, while found in CrossFit and other facilities, is primarily adopted by high school and college strength and conditioning departments (e.g. TeamBuildr is used by over 50% of NHSSCA leadership) and over 150 NCAA strength programs.

Pricing Comparison

TrainHeroic is priced higher than Teambuildr and only advertises monthly prices, whereas TeamBuildr is more cost-efficient and provides monthly and annual pricing. 

  • Teams of 30-50 would cost $900 in TrainHeroic while costing $600 in TeamBuildr

For example, TrainHeroic charges $75 per month ($900 per year) if a team has 26+ athletes. The same number of athletes would cost $600 per year on TeamBuildr. TrainHeroic does offer an unlimited athlete plan at $1,800 per year whereas TeamBuildr offers up to 500 athletes for $1,500/yr.

Additionally, TrainHeroic limits how many coach accounts can be created per price level. For instance, accounts with more than one coach will need to upgrade their account above the $500/yr. plan.


TrainHeroic limits support depending on which plan you subscribe to, whereas TeamBuildr provides unlimited support and training at every price level. For example, TrainHeroic requires that a coach purchase the $900/yr. plan for access to their support phone line.

  • Phone support is NOT available in every TrainHeroic pricing plan.

TeamBuildr will also provide personal onboarding for all customers whereas TrainHeroic only provides it at the $1,800 level.


  • Both TrainHeroic and TeamBuildr offer 14-day free trials.


While TrainHeroic provides 2 training programs (at their highest plan), TeamBuildr provides 50+ programs which can be customized within the software. Additionally, coaches can modify training whether it be for the team, sub-group (Eg: tier system) or the individual athlete in TeamBuildr whereas TrainHeroic only offers team and individual modifications (no middle tier).

template selector

TeamBuildr's training template selector.

    • TeamBuildr’s questionnaires are completely custom-made, whereas TrainHeroic offers one questionnaire ("Readiness").
    • TeamBuildr offers a TV Timing system (Whiteboard), which allows coaches to keep athletes on pace throughout their workout. TrainHeroic does not offer this feature.
    • TeamBuildr offers the athletes the option to “opt-out” of exercises due to injury or lack of equipment and substitute that exercise with another. TrainHeroic does not offer this feature.
    • Within the TeamBuildr mobile app, athletes can video their movements for coaches to provide feedback. TrainHeroic does not offer this feature.

Customer Testimonials: 

Garrett Chapel, Detroit Catholic Central HS

"The TeamBuildr product is superior to that of TrainHeroic. It allows me to easily organize my training groups and their training programs, track student-athlete progress, and create instant motivation for athletes as well as foster trust with sport coaches all while saving me time. However, the greatest part of my experience with TeamBuildr is not the product itself but the top-rate customer support I have received from Hewitt and his team. TeamBuildr puts strength coaches first and truly serves to support them so that they can devote more time and care to their student-athletes."

Kyle Toweson, Patriot High School

"At some point, I realized TrainHeroic wasn’t performing the way I needed it to. I wanted to work with the analytics of the program, but I found it was very limited in its scope. It just wasn’t working for me and my student-athletes. That was when I decided I needed to change programs.   

During the summer of 2018 I attended the NHSSCA conference where I met with the representative from TeamBuildr along with a few strength coaches who were currently using the program. They were able to show me how I could use the analytics of the platform to help all my student-athletes succeed. The TeamBuildr platform allows me to monitor and adjust workouts based on their performance. This program has been able to take us to the next level in a county where competition is intense."

TeamBuildr provides a full feature table on its pricing page here. A feature table was not able to be located for TrainHeroic.

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Unlimited Support

TeamBuildr offers personal on-boarding and unlimited phone & email support at all price plans while TH does not.
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80+ Templates

While TH offers 2 training templates, TeamBuildr offers more than 80 training templates which are fully customizable. Our in-house Program Design Consultant support custom training program design.
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More Bang for the Buck

Timer? APRE? Video assessments? We've got it covered; in fact, we release new features on a monthly basis.
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