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TeamBuildr Alternatives


Volt Athletics Alternative: Less Cost & More Value with TeamBuildr


At TeamBuildr, we value working directly with strength coaches and understand the importance and need of in-person coaching and customized training for athletes. TeamBuildr works with over 3,500 strength programs worldwide, from high school to the NFL.

TeamBuildr is a tool for strength coaches or sports coaches that don’t have the benefit of a strength coach. In addition to providing 100+ sport-specific templates, TeamBuildr allows you to customize any program to fit your number of athletes, equipment and session duration.

Key Feature

Platinum Pro subscribers gain access to in-house strength coach consultants that help with program design and customization for your program. Additionally, our in-house sports science experts consults on building dashboards to better leverage data collected in TeamBuildr to make decisions for your teams.

Key Benefits of TeamBuildr

  • TeamBuildr works directly with strength coaches and sports coaches
  • TeamBuildr offers a FREE trial where you can set up your own account.
  • EVERY TeamBuildr customer has 100% access to our entire support team.
  • TeamBuildr’s exercise database is customizable as coaches can add exercises & videos of their own.
  • Platinum Pro subscribers gain access to our in-house strength coach consultants and sports science experts.


At TeamBuildr, we find it essential to be transparent with our pricing and the services that we provide. We publish all of our prices here:

Teams and schools can pay anywhere from $60 per month to $2400 per year depending on athlete and student count and which features most impact your program.

Other Features

Weight Room View

TeamBuildr provides a solution to having less devices in the weight room by utilizing tablets on racks. Our Weight Room View feature allows 4-8 athletes to receive their individual training, including automatically prescribed loads and %’s, using tablets in the weight room.

Exercise Library

We find it essential for coaches to program comfortably and efficiently. We support the use of their own language and terminology that they coach with which is why our exercise database is 100% customizable. Coaches can edit the exercise names or add their own exercises or movements as they wish.

  • TeamBuildr’s exercise selection is 100% customizable.

Customer Testimonial

Kevin Ogden, Messiah College

"There was a clear switch in how our athletes view our strength training software when we switched to TeamBuildr. They now knew they had a program written by our office specifically for them. It fit with their in-season and off-season training perfectly. As an added bonus, they see our strength training and athletic training staff when they click on the form videos – no more “animations” that blur through complex movements as with the previous athletics software platform.

I am 100% confident in our choice to switch away from Volt, and would encourage any coach to invest to do the same."

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Fraction of the Cost

TeamBuildr offers customizable training templates for up to 500 athletes at a fraction of the cost of other softwares.
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100+ Templates

More than 100 training templates are sport and season-specific. Utilize our in-house Program Design expert for customer program design for your team(s).
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Program Flexibility

Ability to change movements, intensity, volume or anything else is possible in TeamBuildr.
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